Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Recognizing Jesus

John 21:7 Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" As soon as Simon Peter heard him say, "It is the Lord," he wrapped his outer garment around him (for he had taken it off) and jumped into the water.

The Bible tells us in the gospel of John chapter 21 that after the resurrection of our Lord Jesus, after having appeared to the disciples on several occasions, seven disciples went fishing and the whole night not fished anything, until close to the dawn, on the shore was a man that, perhaps by the dark, they could not see and distinguish who it was, this man told him to throw in the net to the other side of the boat and when they did, miraculously, the net was so packed that they could not haul it, they caught 153 fish in total, with all this they still do not know who  this man. In verse seven "the disciple whom Jesus loved" recognizes him and tells them to Peter "is the Lord."
Who was this disciple whom "Jesus loved"?  Although the Bible does not exactly give us the name of this disciple, we know something about him, this was the only one of the disciples of Jesus who was with him until the end. This disciple was in the Lord's Supper (John 13:23) and was at the foot of the cross (John 19:26).  Of all the disciples that Jesus had only one was with him until the end If we remember one sold him, another one denied him and nine more deserted him and fled,only one was at his side until his dead. In spite of the fact that Jesus had appeared many times before and that he made one of his most characteristic miracles the other disciples do not recognize him. This makes me realize something, when Jesus is on the shore there is a type of person who recognizes him, in spite of the darkness there might be, and the one who recognizes he is the one that has decided to remain by the side of Jesus, not only during the dinner and celebration, but in the difficult moments while others sell him, flee and deny him. How about you? If Jesus was on the shore wold you recognize him?


  1. Like strangers unaware, I pray so. Like the analogy will he stay when things get tuff

  2. Thank you for commenting brother, blessings
