After 13 of intensive preparation, studying, practicing and sleepless nights Dr. Rick McDonnell was ready to open his own healthcare clinic, he wanted to help heal as much people as he could. Rick bought a property and built a really nice building. When the building was finished he put up a big sign. Rick was satisfied, all he needed now was clients. Dr. Rick got to the nearest hospital and looked for the outgoing patients, people who had already healed and invited them to his clinic. People got confused and asked him to talk to the incoming patients, people who were really sick, Rick answered that he had no time to lose with that kind of people. Does it make sense? Of course it doesn't, people should be trying to help people who really need help. Believe it or not that's the way many churches now work, they start enthusiastic to help people, but won't turn the focus on helping the people that really need it. When we turn our focus on people who have already been healed we don't fulfill the scripture. Our focus should be on the sick, the homeless, the drug addicts, the alcoholics, all those people who big time pastors don't really have the time for nowadays.
There is a hymn that goes like this "On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand" when we don't fallow the word of God we're just standing on sinking sand, when a church turns its focus into getting more money or get attendance up instead of saving souls they're standing on sinking sand. Are you standing on the solid Rock or sinking sand?
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