Saturday, April 25, 2015

Keeping Watch

Matthew 24:44 So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.

Four years ago my daughter was born, when she was a few weeks old she started sleeping on my chest, I would put her on my chest and we both would go to sleep, it was hard for her to sleep when I wasn't there because she was used to sleeping on top of me. When she was about four months I had to take a job offer in another city, that meant that I would only see my wife and my daughter once a week for two days. Even though my daughter was only four months, I could tell that she missed me because whenever I came home she would go to sleep on her side always facing me. and if I moved for some reason she would quickly open her eyes and look for me, she was keeping watch so I wouldn't go!

Our Lord tells us in Matthew 24:44 to be ready for his coming, to keep our eyes open, for nobody knows or even expects the our when he will come, but it is not an easy task, with all our problems, with all the things that we have to do, how can we have the time to keep watch for him? I learn from my daughter, and what I have learn is this, when we learn to rest in his arms it becomes easier to keep an eye open so we don't miss him.

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