Saturday, October 25, 2014


Matthew 13:45 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46 When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.

Today I was working on a yard, the yard was decorated with rock, my job was to remove the weed so that the decor was clean and presentable. While cleaning I found something white and round, it looked like a pearl, I moved everything around and pull a earring with this small pearl and I left it nearby so I could return it to the owner of the house. I do not know whether this pearl was real, it probably was not, but it made me reflect and wonder how to can anybody find precious stones among so many worthless ones?

The Bible tells the story of a merchant who was looking for pearls, one day he found one of great value which he got even though he had to sell everything he had. Two thousand years ago Jesus Christ looked at your value, even when you were surrounded by so many stones and rocks and you could go unnoticed as something without value, but Jesus gave everything he had, his life, to show that for him you are a pearl of great value.